Each Wednesday I ask a different artist the same three questions.
This week’s featured artist is Glen Pudvine, whose work inspired me to create my own nude self-portrait. I am a huge admirer of his art.
1. What first sparked your interest in creating art?
Like most people, I think, when I was a kid I liked to draw. I liked how when I was drawing time seemed to move so slowly yet hours would go by in what felt like half an hour. It seemed to take me to another place. I think it is very important for humans to find something that you “do” that can transport you to somewhere else. Doing is very important. And then I think as Artists we might not want to admit it but we’re little attention seekers that want to be loved and for people to think that we’re great and clever. So it was when I started to get the positive reactions from my parents or friends from what I had created, that probably sealed the deal in terms of the neural pathways for making 2D things with pencil or paint.
2. What are your regrets?
It sounds a bit unhelpful but one thing I always think back to is that I kind of wish I studied in London. I just felt that when I moved to London and was making work again, I noticed that the other artists that studied in London knew so much more to do with art really; the making, the history and the art world itself. And I felt like I was a few years behind because I wasn’t in the epicentre of art in the country. It’s unfortunate that that is the reality and obviously, I’m talking quite generally and anecdotally but I do think it’s true. Paradoxically though I do think that I was able to develop my own weird approach to making that I probably wouldn’t have arrived at if I was in this epicentre that I am now, with all its noise and influence. So maybe it’s a positive thing in the end. Who knows!? But all I know is that there is some regret there. I did end up studying at the Royal Academy which is in London and it was kind of hell.
3. What wisdom would you offer someone beginning their art career, or exploring art for the first time at any stage in life?
Try to keep a realistic idea of success in your mind that is something that can be sustained without ruining you and your loved one’s life! Try not to let the noise of everyone else’s ideas or pursuits of success or happiness encroach on yours. Keep centred and remember who you are and where you’ve come from and if what you’re making is making you feel weird or insecure it’s probably getting close to something that has integrity and speaks in your voice about your experience of the world. One person’s success is another person’s hell and Art (life) is a long old game, you just gotta stay in that game.

Check out Glen Pudvine’s website and his Instagram. He’s super talented technically and has a quirky, surreal style that you’ll love.
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SLART, I can see why Glen inspires you! I would love to hear your responses to some of his responses. He's right on the money for me in many ways. Great interview! Another great interview!